Friday, April 25, 2008

PLN 14 semseter 2

Today I read an article called "The need for Textbooks" by Karl Fisch who talked about how he had read this paragraph from a poster on tornado instructions. It said,

If there is not time to move rooms, students should assume the duck and cover
position under tables or desks in the room. If tables or desks are not
available, students should hold textbooks over their heads.

I thought it was very interesting and said this.
Dear Mr. Fisch,
I thought this was an interesting blog, not just because of the fact that it is important to have text books handy in case of a tornado. But I also started thinking about how many textbooks we will have in the near future. As we all know, technology is becoming more advanced and essential in our lives as we use more of it in our daily jobs and even at school. If we begin using all of this new technology, will text books slowly fade from our school curriculum? It is an interesting thing to think about.

Today in my English class we had talked about things similar to this and had discussed how we might change the school if we had wanted to. A couple of us had said that they wanted to use more technology in classes. I thought that this was would be a pretty good idea except, like someone else had said, we can’t let technology do all the work, or else what is the point? But like I have said, since we have so much to use, why not use it to expand on our learning?

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