Saturday, September 22, 2007


I read an article from Cool Cat Teacher called," How The Web Posted On the Web is Causing Talk about Spiders", by Vicki A. Davis. It was about a GIGANTIC spider web that was found, and how scientists are arguing about it over the Internet instead of going to see it in person. Though, this 200 yard web might not be around for much longer because most of the spiders will be dead. The point of this story she has posted have a couple ideas. She says,

1) Sometimes you have to see it in person.

Well, I agree with her. A lot of things you see on the web aren't as good as just going to see it for yourself. It's sort of Like Anna K's first blog about taking your own pictures verses getting them off the Internet and calling them your own. It is so much more interesting to actually go and experience it, you can remember this experience so much easier to when you take a picture. I mean wouldn't you want to experience it yourself instead of looking at someone else's experiences or memories? She also states,
2) The Internet Facilitates Rapid Awareness
Look how the posting of this one
photo has literally set the world's entomologists abuzz, particularly
it is a phenomenal occurrence. Why more of them don't go see it in person is
beyond me.To me,
the greatest credence in the debate should go to those who
have observed in person.

I also agree with this. Well, for one thing, the Internet is such a great resource and influences many people. So, why don't people want to go see the real thing? There is only so much you can see on the Internet, but why not go and experience it for yourself?

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