Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I have just read an article from the Fischbowl called "Speaking from the Soul" by Karl Fisch. He talks about how teachers are always trying to build relationships with their students through different activities. I think that if teachers do this, it will help students with learning because they know their teacher. So, I agree with Mr. Fisch that sharing experiences with students, can improve their learning. It's a good thing that here at my school, that the teachers are always looking for new ways to interact and learn more about their students. I personally enjoy that, and I think all teachers should try to accomplish this too. I also think it is important that teachers share their writing pieces with their students. Not writing pieces that have to do with a specific assignment, but ones that involve their one lives in the past or present. In the article, Mr. Fisch also comments about Karen Gerlich's blog about how she had decided to share her poem that she had written. She said,
But, I figured if 9th graders could share their writing, if Lary could do
birdcalls, I could take a chance and share my poem. So I did. Even for a
seasoned professional (or, ancient veteran teacher), I found it hard to
recite my poem in front of the kids. Eye contact was hard to make and my
stomach lurched, but I did it. Then Lary challenged me to put it on my blog.
So I am. No eye contact, but my stomach is lurching...

Another good point is that she had said that she was nervous about reciting it in front of people.Well this reminds me of how in my English class (Ms. Smith's English 9) how we have just started to present our blogs in front of the class. The first few people had said that they had felt pretty nervous. Well of course we all have those butterflies whizzing around our stomachs. But, like Ms. Gerlich had said, it is hard to make eye contact with everyone in class, usually you just stare at the back of the classroom or at the teacher. Overall, I think that it helps to have a teacher who tries to make learning fun and interesting, who tries to learn more about you, who links learning to your life, and loves their job. WOW! This sounds a lot like my teacher Ms. Smith. No wonder I like this class!

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