Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I read an article called "Field Trip to CNN: Cool Cat Teacher Style" By Vicki A. Davis that talked about how mistakes and bad days can affect the rest of your life.I agree with this because it really it does.
Lies, Mistakes, and Bad Days can ruin our life now

I am sure we have all had days, but have you noticed that it could affect other things in your life? For example, when you have a bad day and you don't really feel like talking to anyone and you end up hurting your brother or sister and you get in trouble. Then your parents may end up punishing you and then you could end up missing that party you wanted to go to. And who knows, so and so could have been there, right? Well, there are other examples of how your actions in one event can alter the way other events happen.
I don't know if we comprehend or are ready to live in a world such as this...
where every citizen is a journalist. For do citizens naturally know the ethics
of what they do? Or do we understand that just because we can doesn't mean we

We ,as humans, always make mistakes, but are there times when, like Ms. Davis asks, we do know that what we are doing is wrong? Well if we do, then why do we do it? Our gut tells us NO! and our mind says, "I Don't Know." But if we put more thought into our actions, then just maybe we will make better decisions. and when our decisions are better and benifit you and even others around you in a positive way, then it could effect the rest of your life in a positive way.


samh said...
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alexe said...

Good job, you spoke clearly and made good eye contact. Try not to say "ummm" and "like" so much. Besides that good job.

seand said...

Xavia, good job making eye contact and speaking clearly. You didn't seem nervous at all and you were well prepared.

seanb said...

Xavia, you did a very good job. you had a very strong clear voice. You need to look up more but besides that you had a strong thought out presentation. GOOD JOB!

mmg said...

Xavia, good eye contact with the class. I thought you picked good topics to present and I hope you keep up the good work.

DennisRocks said...

Good job Xavia, you did a great job expanding on your points. Next time, try not to rely on your paper so much. Other than that, good job.

Jackie N said...

Xavia, you did well on explaining your articles clearly and maintaining good eye contact. Goood job!

samh said...

Xavia, I tought you did a pretty good job. Maybe next time you should relate each post to yourself. Good job.

Averee said...

Xavia, you did really well. You made excellent eye contact, and your voice was very even, I couldn't even tell you were nervous! Great job incorporating different PLNs into your presentation. Try not to use the word "um" so many times, but other than that, good job!

kellyS said...

Xavia, you did a good job on speaking clearly and slowly, you seemed a little nervous and flustered but you kept it together very well.

brandonh2011 said...

you did a ver good job but you should try to stay more on track a better pace but i liked your ideas good job

joeyw said...

Xavia I thought you did a great job summarizing each of your PLN entreys and did a good job with your eye contact and speaking to everyone.

carterw said...

Xavia, good job you seemed nervous but no where near as nevous as i was when i did it. Also try not to say um so much other then that great job

laurene said...

Xavia! I think you did a great job! You spoke loud and clear. You kept good eye contact with the class You also had a lot of details in your presentation which is always helpful to those who you are talking to. Great job!

Anna K said...

Xavia, you did a good job at explaining your points and making eye contact! Good job!

annies said...

Xavia! Good job on talking about your articles. Good eye contact too. My dad says to tell him everything, because if I lie, then he'll be more mad then if I just told him straight up. I think that those are the right amount of classes. If you don't want to graduate, then don't take all the classes, but if you want to graduate, take all your classes, it will be worth it in the long run. I'm not going to lie, my parents and my teachers don't have very good communication. I agree that teachers should tell their students stories. Good eye contact and good job!

adama said...

Good job. You made good eye contact and you have good pln's

angelicao said...

You did a very good job at explaining your pln entries but you needed to make more eye conact and you said umm and like a like too much. but otherwise you did really good

ethan l said...

You did a good job of connecting and explaining your points.

alenav said...

Xavia, you did a good job. You said "like" a lot though. You spoke really clear and made good eye contact.

laurenp said...

Xavia, you did good job with everything and I like your question, so great job!