Monday, April 14, 2008

PLN 10

I read an article called "Bridging Differences: Finding Purpose in School for Bored Kids" by Deborah Meier who talked about how violence in schools is due to boredom in schools.
But the essential reason kids are unruly, I would argue, is boredom, feeling
dumb, and feeling “dissed”. They respond with intolerable rudeness. They enrage
us by just not taking the work we prepare, and our concerns for their futures,

I think this idea is very interesting, I had never thought about it this way. But as I think harder about it, I can see it could be a possible reason, but it is mainly and excuse for their choices. Like my dad has told me, we don't go to school to be entertained, we go to learn. So for those who are behaving violently because they are "bored", well they should know that the teachers are not there to entertain them.

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