It makes me think, what should we be teaching? Are there subjects that should be
taught to students that would be more applicable to what they are going to see
in their future? Should we focus more math on applications like home mortgages,
credit card interest, taxes and other things that you might not learn in school?
I need to figure out how math is going to affect these kids in their future if
it does not include an engineering degree. I guess that my question becomes an
interpretation of the students question: Why do I teach this?
This made me think to, so I had a few words to say.
Dear James H,
This blog caught my eye as I was reading through some of your posts.
Your questions made me think about my future in math. I know it is important, but like you asked, where will we use it as an adult. I also thought it was interesting about what one of your commenter had said, from a. bradley…
"I loved math in high school because it was a challenge. But do I use it now? No."
I personally don't enjoy math, but now to think that all that I am learning won't be worth it, well that is something else. However, I most definitely agree with you about how schools should focus on teaching real world math in high school and college. I think this is a lot more important to learn than have to spend so much time learning theorems and equations. I guess it depends on what you will do in your future.