Tuesday, December 11, 2007

PLN 26

I read an article called "Pocket Texting and Open Phone Tests " on Weblogg-ed which talked about how a boy named Isoo decided to use technology to benefit his education. This boy uses his cell phone to send an SMS. He composes an entire text message and turns on the PC. He then uses this to communicate with others. Let's say he has a difficult math problem as homework. He posts it up on Naver Knowledge iN, a popular online Q&A service with some 70 million entries. Within about 10 minutes of posting, someone chimes in with a good answer, and he them with some “Knowledge Power” points — knowledge-based economy in action among 14-year-olds. I think this is a great idea since teens are so into using new technology and their phones. It also will be nice for people to communicate to others and to help with others. Though it shouldn't always be that they are getting straight answers.
Though it could be a bad idea because it could encourage students to text more often about nothing. So maybe it could only be used at home. Overall, I think this is a really cool thing to do.


DennisRocks said...

Great Great job Xaviah! You did a great job explaining, making eye contacy, not fidgeting, and not relying on notes alot. It would be good to speek up though, but other than that, Great Job!

angelicao said...

you did a very good job at explaining you plns but you needed to look at your audience a little bit more. You did a very good job at speaking loud and clear. Nice job.

laurene said...

Xavia, good job on your presentation. You did a good job on giving details and talking about your PLNs.